How to install chromium browser in kali 2020.04 No Root -Linuxndroid

 Hi guys welcome back my new post in this post i will show you How to install chromium browser in kali 2020.04 and Fix Chromium has no installation candidate Kali so let's start.

and also i will tell you in this post how can install chromium-browser successfully command line inside the arm devices, like kali nethunter, ubuntu, debian, raspberry pi.

what is Chromium browser

before proceeding to the post, before installing chromium-browser in kali linux, we know what chromium-browser is and how it works.

the chromium-browser was first released in 2008, and this project was launched by google, google sponsored this project. if seen, the chromium-browser looks like Google chrome, the same interface you get to see in the chromium-browser.

because the developers of google chrome have made chromium-browser from the same source code of google chrome, only a few codes have been changed in chromium-browser, the rest look like chrome browser.

why Chromium open source

Google had open-source the chromium-browser because the developers could come and find a bug in it and implement this browser even better,

if a bug is found in the chromium and implement it, then the developers of Google fix it inside the chrome browser as the chrome browser is not open source. google chrome also takes advantage of this.

apart from this, chromium-browser quite lightweight browser. and chromium-browser is available for every architecture operating system, whether you use windows or mac OS, do Linux or use ARM devices, and chromium browser is also available for android mobile.

along with being available for all operating system, you also get to see updates in chromium-browser, since the release of chromium-browser, you are constantly getting updates inside this browser, every year you get to see new update in chromium-browser.

is chromium a safe browser

yes this is a good question is chromium-browser a safe browser, for us, can we run chromium-browser safely. i would like to tell you that.

chromium-browser is a completely safe browser, you can search here from safely, but you have to download and use original source, i will tell you complete inside this blog where to download chromium-browser and how to install it.

Google Chrome Vs Chromium

there is not much difference in Google chrome and chromium-browser, chromium-browser is also made from the same source code of Google chrome and it is sponsored by google team. a little bit you can see the size difference because chromium-browser is a lightweight browser. 

the rest is available for all operating system, where chromium-browser is available on all operating system as well, while you can also use Google chrome on all operating system.

and if seen. the security that is available in both the browsers to you see the high level, in chrome browser, you get a pro level high security, and at the same time in chromium-bowser you also get to see high level security.

and in both browsers you get updates from time to time, in Google chrome also you always get to see the latest updates and on the same side, even after being open source in chromium-browser you get updates here.

Best Features of chromium browser

even the chromium-browser is open source, you also get extra features inside this browser. you can use all Google's products inside the chromium-browser,

apart from this you get auto update feature inside chromium-browser. many google-services API key is available chromium-browser. in chromium-browser support every types video format like (advance video coding) and also support every types audio format.

and some linux distributions you can disable and navigate chromium security sandbox, so this is a great feature of chromium-browser.

Installation Process

so now let's move towards the installation, how can install chromium-browser in arm devices with the help of this process, you can repeat the same process in all debian linux distributions.


First of all, you have to open your Terminal, then you have to edit Kali Sources.list, for this you copy this command.

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

package has no installation candidate kali
in the sources.list you have to paste the url of Debian Package, which will be able to download the chromium browser through Debian repository.

add debian repository to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb stable main contrib non-free
apt update


install chromium browser in kali Linux 2020

After editing sources file, now you have to install Chromium Browser in kali linux, for this, you copy and paste this command.

sudo apt install chromium chromium-l10n


How to open chromium in kali linux

After installing chromium browser, you have to edit in its chromium.desktop file so that chromium can work properly in kali linux.

   Also Read: How To fix Unable to locate package in Ubuntu

launch chromium without sandbox in kali linux

nano /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop

Write this code next to chromium



installing chromium and launching it is root kali linux

And finally you can use chromium-browser in kali linux, and you can use all Google products on chromium browser.

Best browsers alternative google chrome 

chromium browser is very good Alternative to Google Chrome


this post is a conclusion of how can install chromium-browser on debian linux distribution. and also should we use chromium-browser, which are the extra features inside the chromium-browser, is it better the Google chrome or not, that's all i told you in this post

and also how to install chromium browser in kali linux 2020 and fix package has no installation candidate chromium in kali so i hope you like this post and i will see you in the next post Thanks and Take Care.

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